Welcome to our Wildlfower Website
We grow a wide range of native British wildflower plants in our Cumbrian Nursery. We have been a proud peat free nursery run on organic sustainable principals for over 25 years. Our aim is to minimise our impact on the natural environment while enhancing biodiversity. Our plants are grown from harvested wild seed collected from UK species rich habitats. As a DEFRA registered nursery we can legally sell Bulbs, Seeds and Plants.
Our online shop is designed to help you find your plants. Please use the habitat selector which shows the most suitable habitat for each plant. All orders are sent with planting and management advice. We supply small private projects and larger habitat restoration schemes. We offer contract growing services and planting/habitat restoration services. Thank you from all at Cumbria Wildflowers
Grow Wildflowers • Plant Habitats 

Plug Mixes

Plug Plant Mixes

Browse our plug mixes for different habitats

Buy plug mixes

Wildflower Plugs

Wildflower Plugs

New stock updated daily.

Buy Plugs

Buy Your Spring Bulbs


Buy your spring bulbs for Autumn planting

Shop Spring Bulbs

Native Seeds

Native Seeds

Browse our range of locally harvested Native Seeds

Buy Native Seeds

Featured Products

Our packaging is 100%compostableor reusable

Help us reduce waste

At Cumbria Wildflowers we are striving to reduce our impact on our amazing planet. We all know about the harm single use/throw away plastics cause to our marine environment. To address this we are aiming to stop using all single use plastic items and where possible re-use all our long life plastic items.

To meet this aim we have taken the bold decision to make all our packaging and boxes COMPOSTABLE. This means when we send you your plants or seeds the box and packaging can be placed on a compost heap or some items re-used. Simply take out the plants and plug tray and what remains can be composted or re-used. We hope you will join us in reducing waste, especially in the online/delivery sector.

Jonathan Rook

Nursery Owner & Mad about wildlfowers 

                     Grow Wildflowers    •    Plant Habitats

Read more about our ethos
RHS Plants for Pollinators

